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Practical Homeschooling

Games are a great teaching tool, as long as they are fun and packed with useful information! Discover America is such a game!

Two to four players or teams travel around the board with Washington , DC, as their final destination. When the last person arrives in Washington, DC, each player adds up his money. The player with the most money wins.

To progress around the board, players choose to either spin the "state selector" and name a state capital, or roll the dice and follow an instruction card. For example, if a three is rolled, the card tells you, "Move 3 spaces, collect $30, and pass the dice."  If a seven is rolled, the card instructs you, "Take a quiz card; if correct, move 1, earn $10, and play again." Quiz cards contain questions ranging from the founding of our country to the space age.  And to add excitement, players occasionally draw lucky cards or sorry cards.

If your family is out for a drive discovering America yourself, you may also be interested in the travel version - a team game which has players look for license plates and road signs while gathering other information about the 50 states.

If you tend to play games insatiably, you might want to consider purchasing the sturdy deluxe edition.  My family voted this game a "keeper."

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