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Home Education Magazine

A board game of American history, geography, and  culture (and even a bit of spelling). The board, patterned in patriotic red, white, and blue, pictures a circular playing path (the "state circle ")on which each step is labeled with the name of one of the fifty states. Players start on the "Hawaii" space and move around the board counter-clockwise, finishing up in Washington, DC. On each move, players can decide to either "Shake Two Dice", and then follow the number-coded instructions on the included instruction card; or spin the"state selector" spinner and name a state capital. "Shake Two Dice" results variously land players with "Lucky" or "Sorry" cards, which live up to their names, shunt them to "Travelers Aid" (there's no aid about it; you're stuck there until you manage to win your way out), or challenge them with "Quiz Cards". There are six questions on each of the 200 Quiz cards; a Who, What, Where, When, and Which question, and a definition or spelling challenge. (Answers are on the back .) Which question a player answers is determined by the roll of a die.

Sample questions:

  - Who was the second President of the United States?
  - What is the nickname of the state of Alaska?
  - Where is the geographic center of the continental United States?
  -When did the Civil War end?
  -Which state has the most U.S. national parks?
  -Spell Massachusetts.

Players earn money for each space moved (plus windfalls from "Lucky" cards); the person to reach Washington, DC with the most cash wins. There's a lot of information here for young history and geography buffs.

Discover America is recommended for 2 to 4 players aged  9 and up. It is available in a retail edition and in a deluxe edition. The basics are the same in both, but the deluxe edition features little plastic storage compartments for the playing cards, a state selector with a big metal spinner, and little pegs for keeping track of named state capitals.

Home Education Magazine
Rebecca Rupp